Two Questions with the Canadian Explorer, Nature Writer and Photographer Kate Harris

Of all the wild places you visited, which one, according to you, was the most interesting?

The most amazing experience, I’d say, would be Antarctica, for sure. It’s so inhospitable. You feel your own pulse, because there’s that quiet space and harshness in everything there. You feel your life much more acutely. But the scariest experience was the mountain expedition in Ladakh. Every step in the climb there was vulnerable to falling from the rock, the ice. We got to a mountain called Pinnacle Peak in Nun-Kun massif near Kargil. It was the first all-women expedition there. There were just three of us on our own.

Living your dream—how does it feel?

I’m just so excited to do what I do. You can pay me a million dollars to work in an office or to do anything else, but for me it’d be courting disaster. I love being among mountains. I love writing. I want to work on things that hopefully are meaningful for the health of the planet and of human souls. I’m not making much money, but it’s enough to get by. There’s a saying that enough is as good as a feast! I feel I’m incredibly lucky to be able to do what I love almost every day.

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