In The Press

Wondrous Voices

Scores of books about writers and their works have been published in the form of interviews. People like to listen to, or read about, the opinions of others, especially when they happen to be well known personalities. It bridges the gap between fame and anonymity. Even in this fast moving world, it is well nigh impossible for readers to not be affected by interviews. But few writers have taken the trouble to talk to musicians, filmmakers, dancers and other artists, and jot down their thoughts for the benefit of their fans. People Who Meet People is about interviews with “stars” from diverse fields. These legends talk about their art, methods of work and philosophy.

The Ideal Interviewer

The book is a unique specimen of freewheeling conversations by some great names, nationally and internationally from diverse fields, and makes for compulsive and enjoyable reading.

Tapping Into Lesser Known Zeal

With every person, Banerjee’s technique of approach and confrontation alters, drawing out what appear as self-confessed revelations. A review by Oindrila Mukherjee.

Interesting Reads

If Interviewing Is an art form, Swapan Banerjee Is a master. This portmanteau of Interactions features a wide range of lig personalities from the fields of writing, music, cinema. dance and painting, and many more. The writer’s style of questioning is what makes this a compulsive read. The introduction of the book is by Ruskin Bond.